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IFMA APAC 2024 - Harmonizing Workspaces: Leveraging Biophilic Soundscaping for Enhanced Wellbeing and Productivity

Harmonizing Workspaces: Leveraging Biophilic Soundscaping for Enhanced Wellbeing and Productivity

IFMA World Workplace Asia Pacific

Date: Wednesday 24/07
Time: 14:00 - 14:30 CST
Speakers: Evan Benway & Arnald Ng
Location: Orchard Ballroom 1-2
Speech title: Harmonizing Workspaces - Leveraging Biophilic Soundscaping for Enhanced Wellbeing and Productivity
Learn more at IFMA World Workplace Asia Pacific conference schedule


In the evolving landscape of workplace design, sound plays a pivotal yet often overlooked role. Historically perceived as a negative element, our presentation aims to redefine sound as a positive, transformative force in work environments. Anchored in the innovative concept of 'Biophilic Soundscaping', we'll explore how strategic sound design can significantly enhance wellbeing and cognitive performance, leading to more engaging and welcoming spaces.

Our talk will delve into the science of sound, examining its historical challenges and the evolutionary biology that shapes our auditory responses. We'll then transition to the positive dimensions of sound, particularly focusing on music and biophilic sounds. These elements, backed by robust scientific research and industry evidence, demonstrate their profound impact on indoor environments.

Central to our presentation is the real-world application of these principles at GSK, led by Arnald Ng. Her role in integrating biophilic soundscaping technologies showcases a successful model of enhancing workplace wellbeing. This integration aligns with global building standards such as WELL, highlighting how soundscaping can aid in achieving certification credits.

Joining Arnald Ng in this presentation is Evan Benway, Managing Director of Moodsonic, who brings a depth of knowledge in sound engineering and biophilic design. Evan will provide an essential foundation by discussing the development and technological innovation behind biophilic soundscaping. His insights will offer a deeper understanding of how sound can be masterfully crafted to enhance workplace environments, setting the stage for Arnald's practical application of these principles at GSK.

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